Leave the past behind and be grateful for everything you have learned. A new beginning lies ahead of you. Remember that the power resides within you. Your divine being has the ability to achieve and express creative changes that will bring memorable experiences to your life and the lives of many others.
Allow the New Year 2024 to mark the beginning of your rebirth…
Every moment of the day has its own value. The morning brings hope, the afternoon brings faith, and the night brings love and rest. It is up to you to seize the brief moments that the 24 hours of the day offer you to connect with the Creative Consciousness or Universal Collective Intelligence. Use the healing power of harmonic sounds, singing, and listening to harmonious music; use the power of positive affirmations, prayers, mantras, and the healing power of meditation. These resources will help you establish the necessary energy to center your mind and spirit, to create and express new experiences in your life.
Start a new chapter in the book of your life.
Remember, you have 365 days for each page of your book to be remembered and for manifesting new crea-tive ideas, to achieve happiness for yourself and for the collective benefit of humanity.
All living beings, we are all connected through a global network of energy and collective consciousness, better known as a matrix. When you vibrate in peace, love, harmony, and goodwill, a powerful transformative healing energy activates within you and begins to flourish. That powerful energy is capable of altering the atomic structure of all matter. Thus, this positive energy ignites the spark of light in your heart that expands throughout the cosmos, transforming your life and the lives of many others on Earth.
Always remember: «The power of our heart and mind is infinite and extraordinary like the universe, and through that divine inner power, we create the thoughts that manifest and create our world.» J.E.M.
My best wishes for these holidays; Happy New Year 2024 full of peace, harmony, love, creative energy and abundant light always! In this New Year, may you be inspired to contribute a spark of your divine light and your creative energy, so that the powerful vibrational frequency of peace, harmony, love and abundant light reaches the hearts and minds of all beings on Earth.
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